never full.

I had the privilege of spending this weekend at Camp Midtown with my church family. And more than ever before, I really mean family when I say it. It is not some light-hearted, southern religious word–no, it is for real. We are legitimately a family. A family that plays and prays together. A family that cries and laughs together, that fights for each other. A family that repents of sin against each other and seeks reconciliation in all things. A family that is willing to call each other out and offer unnerving grace at the exact same time. It really is happening, and it is truly miraculous. We are looking more and more like a Jesus-centered family on mission with Him, with our arms wide open to reconcile other lost children to their Father. Some incredible stories are being lived out, like piercing lights illuminating the darkness. The Gospel is breaking chains and freeing prisoners. Tonight at a random gathering, we collected close to 100 cases of bottled water to give out to the homeless. My heart swelled with joy at the mountain of plastic piling up, and I was reminded once more why I love my family so much, and why I feel the courage to fight alongside them against anything that may come along.

There are some really amazing things stirring in the waters of our family. I have a feeling that things are about to get even more crazy, and God is going to blow us all away at what He is doing. I get kind of giddy when I think about it. We might want to buckle up, because we are the sent people of God to bring hope to our city, and the call is going out from more and more lives every day:

Come, Columbia. Come out from your hiding places, from under your lonely rocks, your tvs and computers. Climb over your white picket fence, and come take a seat at the Father’s banquet table. Be reconciled to your brother and have a laugh with your sister. Pass the bread around, eat and drink freely as you begin to experience the healing of family. Bow your head and thank Jesus that He has called you out of your cold, miserable hiding place and into the light…and thank Him for the beautiful fact that His family is never full.

47 responses to “never full.”

  1. cornishevangelist Avatar

    The Bible says in Philippians 1 v 6, “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ,” which means that the Holy Ghost has called you in the beginning to accept Christ, and it is He that will bring us through to the time of Jesus return. For He is the Spirit of promise, and He is our guarantee that He will never ever leave us or forsake us.

    Let us always remember that when we accepted Jesus as Saviour, the Bible says that our old life was crucified with Him on that cross at Calvary. But now we live, yet not ourselves but Christ liveth in us, and the life that we now live in the flesh, we live by the faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave His life for us.

    My song shall be of Jesus; His mercy crowns my days, He fills my cup with blessings,
    And tunes my heart to praise; My song shall be of Jesus, The precious Lamb of God,
    Who gave Himself my ransom, And bought me with His blood.

  2. family vacations are good aren't they? but they just aren't the same when our wives can't go are they?

  3. for real man…i miss that girl. don't forget about that double date you promised me when they get back…

  4. melissafennell Avatar

    This weekend was so good for my heart. Thank you for posting this. I have never felt like I truly 100% belonged anywhere, but I know that I belong here. And I understand the giddy feeling, I look at what Christ is doing, and thinking about the things He is going to continue to do makes my heart want to burst from excitement. I can't wait! And this weekend was just simply amazing.

  5. i love you. fyi.

  6. Very true…I love this family 🙂

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