How much I love my wife? I mean seriously, I adore her so much more than I could ever explain. Every moment I get to spend with that girl brings so much joy to my soul. I love her fiercely, and I’m thankful for a great weekend we just had together. It’s rare these days that we get to hang out for the majority of a weekend, and it was glorious. I took a picture of her on Friday with my phone…she has a flower from our yard tucked in her hair, and she is laughing at me. That picture genuinely makes me so happy every time I see it that its ridiculous. I don’t know how many times I’ve pulled out my phone this weekend just to look at it and smile…
Why am I raving about my wife? Two reasons:
1) I’m sick of people in our culture talking about the old “ball and chain,” making silly remarks to people who are getting married(“You sure you want to do that?”), and in general making marriage seem like a funeral dirge. I’m sick of men who talk about their wives like they are a burden and not a joy. I’m sick of a culture of unfaithfulness and divorce, of dissatisfaction with God’s gift of marriage. What I have learned over the past year and a half of marriage is that, when two people commit to God’s design for living life and being married, serving Him and each other–that marriage is absolutely incredible. There’s just no way to really describe it. Every day is literally a joy. Sure its hard…you hear that all the time and its true sometimes. But its not that hard, when you love and serve each other first, and the joy is worth WAY more than the work it takes. And…
2) I’m leaving for Orlando for 5 days tomorrow with the rest of Midtown staff guys. It’s going to be so much fun, I really can’t wait–but I never enjoy being away from Kristi for that long. I will miss her dearly. For some reason, I always thought before I got married that I would look forward to these occasional breaks from being together. But the fact is, I don’t. Not at all. I wish I could put her in my suitcase and take her with me. I might just do that…
Wifey, I will miss you dearly this week. Whoever I wind up sharing a bed with this week will only remind me of that fact all the more! And they definitely won’t smell as good as you=) Love you babe!
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