from where i’m sitting 6-11-09
- It’s been a while. Life has been kicking the crap out of me lately. My Google Reader is a good indicator of how far behind I am in life in general, and she is sitting at 805 right now. One of these days…
- On a brighter note, I get to cut grass and have a Sabbath/rest day this Saturday…no weddings, trips, or plans. I am more than excited.
- My sweet wife has done something to a disc or nerve in her back and she is in a ton of pain and on a bunch of medicine. Please pray for her and for quick healing.
- I got to take a nap tonight in the recliner while I was sitting with Kristi, and it was so very glorious.
- Speaking of glorious, I’ve been listening to two albums I got from Noisetrade: The Glorious Unseen and RainCity Hymnal. You should check em out for sure.
- Seminary? I’ve been thinking/praying about this for a while now. Last year I radomly vistied CIU and got offered an incredible scholarship, and I absolutely loved the professors I met and their passion not solely for academia but for the Gospel and ministry. I think it is an awesome opportunity and something that God wants me to do in general…and I’m not getting any younger. The only thing is, to get the scholarship I have to start this August. Until recently, that has seemed a long way off in the distance, and well, if you look at the calendar its definitely not anymore. It is coming with the quickness. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to add 9 hours of grad school a semester(also have to be full-time to get the scholarship) to my schedule right now without cutting anything. So yeah, you can be praying for that if you don’t mind, for wisdom, discernment, and sustainment straight from Jesus if I am indeed supposed to head into death-mode in August. I’d be much obliged.
- Have a good weekend, okay? Go outside and enjoy the first heat wave of summer. Unless you live in Columbia…then stay inside or you’ll die of a heat stroke!
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