This timeline comes from a presentation from my class on the book of John. I thought it would be helpful to keep these in mind and walk through them in Scripture this week to give us more of a sense of presence for the week that changed history.
- Sunday AM–Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
- Sunday PM–Return to Bethany
- Monday AM–Fig tree cursed
- Monday PM–Temple cleansed/Greeks seek Jesus
- Tuesday AM–Fig tree withered/Leaders question Jesus
- Tuesday PM–The Olivet Discourse
- Wednesday–Judas deals with leaders
- Thursday AM–Peter and John prepare the Passover meal
- Thursday PM–Passover/The Upper Room Discourse
- Thursday PM/Friday AM–Arrest & Trials
- Friday around mid-day–Crucifixion
- Saturday–Sabbath
- Sunday AM–Resurrection
- Sunday PM–Jesus appears in the Upper Room
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