I think THIS is a brilliant idea from blogger Alece Ronzino: instead of making an ambitious list of resolutions for the new year–to choose one word to focus on for the entirety of 2012.
Just one word.
You can remember that, right? You can keep up with that. You won’t have to bear the guilt of losing track of your resolutions in February, because you’ll just be getting started learning, growing, and changing in the one area that you chose to focus on the entire year.
Because, as my friend Jeff Goins reminded me the other day, we need to forget about resolutions and goals and instead focus on new resolve and habits–because those are the things that actually accomplish resolutions. They are what give goals their feet. That really resonated with me because I’m not a very goal-oriented person.
I like the idea of focusing on one word for an entire year. And I’m doing it this year.
I’ve just decided that my one word for 2012 is going to be: pray. I know that might sound anti-climactic, seeing that I’m a pastor and all, and I should already have this praying thing down.
But I don’t. I’ve learned that in the past few weeks while reading through the book A Praying Life by Paul Miller. It has been kicking my rear all over the place, and I have a feeling I will be flipping back through it the entire year. Because I have a long way to go in this super simple, super mysterious and difficult discipline.
Today, and for 364 tomorrows.
I’m looking forward to it.
So, do you want to consider joining? If so, I’d love to hear what your one word is. You can comment below and tell me, or email me if you’d rather not comment. You can also share it on Twitter with the hashtag #OneWord365. This kind of thing is way more fun to do in community, after all.
And of course, Happy New Year!
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