FTF: Tacky Christmas Caroling

My favorite thing this Friday is something I got to do Wednesday night: tacky Christmas caroling. Last year my friends Landon & Jordan Thompson introduced us to it–you just dress up in tacky Christmas attire and go around the neighborhood knocking on doors & then start singing. I honestly didn’t want to go at first last year, but I ended up loving it. I had no idea how much fun it would be.

So this Wednesday, about 60 people from our church (mine & Allen’s family groups for you Midtown peeps) went tacky Christmas caroling in my neighborhood. We handed out cookies and very poorly designed (by yours truly!) Buddy The Elf Christmas cards (picture below). People loved it. Even the old man who I thought was going to shoot me at first and refused to take the cookies…at the end he and his wife were both clapping and saying Merry Christmas.

But the kids were of course the best part. We went to one house that I didn’t know yet, and they were an Indian family with several school-age children, all wearing cartoon or superhero pajamas. And. They. Went. Bezerk. They ate it up and ran around and laughed and giggled.

Then, there was the woman who went and woke her daughter up she loved it so much. And the old woman who was on the phone with her sister, so she held up the phone so her sister could hear while she laughed and went nuts. And the little boy that was so excited he kept yelling out during song breaks…”Merry Christmas!” “Happy New Year!”

Oh man, it was a blast. Awkward at times, for sure. But a blast. And the best part is, it helped me meet some new neighbors. And I don’t think they’ll forget who we were…

What would you do if you opened a knock on your door at 8:00 at night to 60 people singing “Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer?” Would that be your favorite thing of the week if it happened to you? Comment and let me know if you think it’s awesome or just flat out weird…(and as always, I’d love to hear about your favorite thing this week, whatever it is.)

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