Giveaway Insanity for Every Bush Is Burning

Man. It’s been a really crazy, fun week for Every Bush Is Burning.

Last Wednesday I started a promotion where the Kindle version would be free for 5 days, to hopefully spread the word and gain some exposure. I was hoping it would reach a couple thousand new readers total, but when I checked the stats mid-day on Wednesday, it was already well over 5,000.

My mouth hit my desk.

Over the next few days, it climbed up into the #3 and #2 spots in the Free Kindle Store (of over a million free books). That gave it a ton of exposure and I continued to be dumbfounded as I watched the downloads continue to grow.

The final giveaway number absolutely blew my mind:

59, 985

Fifty-nine thousand people. (So close to sixty!)

I still can’t really believe it. So floored.

I am so, so grateful that God aligned the stars right to get it on that bestseller list and get a lot of traction. It came at such a good time, as I’ve been praying a lot for God to take the book and really do something with it. I’ve very much so felt like I’ve done all that I could do to get the word out about the book and told God that if it was really going to reach a lot of people, He was going to have to take it and do it.

And He did. Times sixty thousand!

It’s so very cool to see such an incredible and drastic answer to prayer.

I’ve already gotten a good many responses from new readers, with some really, really cool feedback. One person said it made her want to return to God and the church. A few are thinking about Jesus now and wondering if the book was God pursuing them. One person who had prosperity theology crumble to pieces in their life said the story was a gift on their way to discover the true gospel.

Excuse me for a second…


Okay, I’m back.

It’s really quite ridiculous. The reason I spent countless hours writing this book was to hopefully affect people like this and start these conversations…and God got it to almost sixty thousand new people. Incredible.

And it is still doing well even after the promotion. The Kindle version is only 99 cents (to hopefully keep spreading to as many possible), and today it reached #1 in the bestseller category for Religious Fiction. Needless to say, it’s selling a lot more than it was before the promotion. Very exciting. Amazon reviews are also pouring in, and they are really fun to read.

I’m praying for lots and lots more emails that make me shake my head in amazement. Would you mind praying the same thing with me? That it would continue to reach more people–that God would use it to speak very boldly into the lives of many?

I’d certainly appreciate it if you would. I’ll take every prayer I can get!

20 responses to “Giveaway Insanity for Every Bush Is Burning”

  1. I was really moved by your book. I stumbled across it while looking for a book on my Kindle. Really touched my heart and opened my mind to many things. I believe more people would go to church if the people inside the church behaved more like Jesus. Thank you for a wonderful read and for giving me so many things to think about.

    1. Wow, thanks so much. Encouraging to hear this! Thanks for reading and responding.

      If you get a chance to leave a short review on Amazon, I would appreciate it so much.

      Thanks again and I hope to see you around the blog!

  2. Very moving book. The timing was perfect. I was between books and it was free and looked interesting. I got way more than what I bargained for. I wish I knew what else to say. I have to take a few days to ‘digest’ it.

    1. Take your time Amy:) Would love to hear any more thoughts you have as you digest. So glad the story moved you, that is very encouraging to hear!

      As you digest, if you get a chance to leave a short review on Amazon that would be much appreciated. Would also love your help spreading the word to people you think may enjoy it.

      Thanks again for reading and commenting!

  3. “Excuse me for a second… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I’m back.”:) That’s awesome, man!  Congrats on blowing it out of the water. You’re the man.

    1. Haha, thanks Stephen. Appreciate your encouragement.

  4. Got the book for free from Amazon on Wednesday and couldn’t put it down. This book really spoke to me about forgiveness and self righteousness etc.  Forgot to mention I picked it up by accident!!! Renette (South Africa)

    1. So cool to hear Renette! Thanks for reading and responding. Glad you accidentally picked it up!

      If you get a chance to leave a short review on Amazon, I would definitely appreciate it.

      Thanks again!

  5. I picked this book up free for my iPad. I started reading and was shocked by the language used in a Christian book given my very legalistic background. I could not stop reading this book because my heart longs to know how to reach this culture for Jesus. I am still reading…facinated and drawn into Jake’s story. I’m certain that it will not have a sugar coated conclusion.

    1. Thanks for reading Helen. I’d love to hear your thoughts when you finish and I hope it provokes some good thoughts and conversations!

  6. Well, the Lord answered your prayers. I downloaded the book on my Kindle Fire Saturday morning and finished it this morning before church. The story means so much to me. I have my wife reading it now. I promised to read Redeeming Love if she would read Every Bush Is Burning..  That is how much I wanted her to experience your book.  Congratulations on the success of such a great book.

    1. That is so very cool to hear Jay. Thanks for sharing that with me. Glad you enjoyed the book!

      So funny about the trade off…haha.

      If you get a chance to leave a short review for the book on Amazon, I’d definitely appreciate it!

      Thanks again Jay.

  7. I “borrowed” this book from the Kindle Lending Library!  I was shocked that your story took place in Columbia where I live…..Great book and great inspiration!  Keep up the good work!

    1. Very cool! Thanks for reading Judy, glad to “meet” a fellow resident of my city. Glad you enjoyed it. If you want, I’d love for you to leave a short review of the book on Amazon. Thanks again!

  8. I’m an avid book reader usually reading one every few days but “Every Bush Is Burning” has taken me much longer. I’m uncomfortably questioning the way I lead my life, the way I treat others and the fact I run away from God when things are tough. I can’t remember another book leaving me feeling this way. Thank you ( I think).

    1. Wow, thanks for sharing this Karen. I think that is hopefully a good thing. I hoped it would raise a lot of questions and make people struggle, so it’s very encouraging to hear that is true for you.

      Would love to hear more of your thoughts when you finish if you want to email me.

  9. I was one of the almost 60000 who downloaded the book from Kindle free books.  I really liked the book because it really makes you think.   I am curious,how did you come up with the main characters name?  Jack’s name is what inspired me to read the book.  My father’s name was Jack Bennett and had some similarities in your character.  Awesome Book

    1. Very cool, so glad to hear you enjoyed the book! Honestly I just liked the name Jack Bennett, no special reason:)

      Would love your help spreading the word about the book to people you think would enjoy it. Also, if you get a chance and want to, I’d love for you to leave a short review on Amazon…those are always helpful.

      Thanks again for reading and responding, I really appreciate it!

  10. I downloaded the free copy on my Kindle. I cannot tell you how this book has moved me. I have recommended it to many people, posted it on FB, download Psalms and the Bible to my Kindle and am making a promise to reach a Psalm each day and something out of the Bible. You have truly touched my heart with this book and I am only 1/2 way through it. Please keep on writing! God has a plan with you in mind.

    1. Wow, that’s so encouraging to hear Ramona! Very cool.

      Would love to hear your thoughts when you finish the book if you want to send me an email. Thanks so much for reading.

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