random updates

1. This week has been quite a doosie. If that’s even how you spell doosie. If doosie is even a word. Anyways, a trip to urgent care is never a good way to start a week. Going down the river is so much fun. Going down the river in a $3.86 tube is well, dangerous. This is one instance where frugality should go out the window. Cost of a good tube=$19.99. As opposed to the cost of a doctors visit, stitches, pain meds, etc…you do the math. My poor wife just can’t catch a break. Trust me, if there is a jagged rock sticking out of the rapids anywhere–it will find her rear end. Stitches in the butt? Really? She is hanging in there and being tough though. She’s not quite as sweet as normal when she’s drugged up on vicatin, but I still love her anyway…

2. I went out with a bunch of friends for my buddy Jamison’s birthday tonight. It was such a blast. I got to meet new people and hang out with family over some delicious Macaroni Grille. Chicken Alfredo with mounds of cayenne pepper seasoning is without a doubt my favorite meal these days. It just hurts so good…

3. Kristi and I close on our first house in two weeks. That is exciting, and crazy! I swear three months ago I was running around with skinned knees, playing cowboys and indians at my mema’s house. Now I’ve got to buy a lawnmower…

4.  I’m really disappointed.  I was gonna go hang out with some monks at a monastery this weekend for a Sabbath/personal retreat.  Turns out they are booked up until October.  Who knew monks would be so popular?  Maybe its a good thing, considering I found out that their days start at 3am…and thats usually about the time I go to bed!  Come quickly October!

5. I haven’t been able to write much lately, especially about my friend Luis and all the things that have been going on in his life. It has been quite remarkable, honestly. I feel like I have a front row seat to the miracle of redemption. More and more I just find myself shaking my head in disbelief. Jesus is so good, and His heart for the lonely and the abandoned breaks me. Hopefully I can share more of that soon. I need to write it all down so I will remember, so that I won’t let the truths God has brought me to fall by the wayside. Miracles really do still happen. I can take you to see one if you don’t believe me…he lives at 113 S. Parker Rd., Unit B.

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