storypraxis: charger

Storypraxis is an online daily creative writing exercise started by Andy Meisenheimer, a man who has helped me improve my writing more than I can begin to say. I haven’t had time to do much with it, but yesterday I got to write my first attempt and had a blast doing it. Basically, you get a daily prompt and then you spend 10-15 minutes writing whatever comes into your mind using that prompt. If you’re interested in writing you should definitely check it out. I wanted to put the post here as well, in case any of you enjoy stories and creativity sparks and want to join in on the fun of Storypraxis. I hope to get to do it more often. Let me know thoughts if you have any…hope you enjoy!


“Sorry sir, our credit card charger is broke.” I felt the fury of my exhale flow through my nostrils and unleashed the tide inside of me.

“Your credit card charger? What, did you quit school after the third grade to come work at this gas station? And it is broken, not broke—”

She cut her eyes to the floor and I saw the familiar squint of pain that I was becoming more and more accustomed to.  She flashed a sad but genuine smile when she delivered the bad news—an unassuming  woman who also happened to be pregnant. I almost felt bad for her.

“Sir, I’m sorry. Do you have cash to pay for your gummy worms?”

“Do I have cash? This is 2011—what do you think? I wouldn’t need cash if your stupid credit card machine wasn’t broken. You’re probably the one that broke it, aren’t you? Can’t even swipe a card right…” I shifted my feet and huffed again. “And you are pregnant—” I shook my head. “Bringing another imbecile like you into this world…”

“Hey jackwad—” a lady behind me interjected, as the attendant’s eyes started to water. “Leave your stuff and get out of here.” I slowly backpedaled, leaving my gummy worms on the counter, everyone in line scowling at me. I didn’t look them in the eyes.

As I reached my car the voices in my mind started pouring on their contempt. “You are an intolerable old man…you deserve your lot in life entirely…” and on and on. I cranked the car and opened my mouth to speak audibly and shut the voices up—“Yeah, well, at least I got to talk to someone.”

One response to “storypraxis: charger”

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely check that out!

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